Monday, October 31, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Reminders for Monday
*Bring gym shoes for pumpkin run tomorrow*
*also make sure to bring your costume to school!
DO NOT wear costume TO school, we will change into them at the end of the day!
*also make sure to bring your costume to school!
DO NOT wear costume TO school, we will change into them at the end of the day!
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Homework 10/26/16
Study for your math test tomorrow
read 20 minuets
bring pumpkin run permission slips!
read 20 minuets
bring pumpkin run permission slips!
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Homework 10/25
Read 20 min.
Make sure your math study guide is finished
Aleks 10
*Remember that our math test is Thursday
Make sure your math study guide is finished
Aleks 10
*Remember that our math test is Thursday
Monday, October 24, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Weekly Update: 10/21

I hope everyone had a fantastic week! Fifth grade sure did!!
Science: In our science stations this week we have been learning about how different forms of precipitation are created and about the different types of clouds. We will be doing our last lesson of this chapter next week!
Math: We continued on in another division chapter (ch. 4) and have been learning how to divide with 3-digit dividends and 2-digit divisors. We also learned how to adjust the quotient by using estimation and rounding. Our chapter 3/4 test will be next Thursday, October 27th.
Writing: This week we have been learning how to not only revise our information pieces about the American Revolution by looking at the components of a good writer but also looking at the components of a good historian! We've learned how to structure our writing by separating it by headings and learned how to make sure we are being as specific as possible with people and locations in order to teach our reader about our topic. We will be celebrating these completed pieces next Thursday!
Reading: We have been discussing how nonfiction texts get more complex as we progress as readers. We've been practicing strategies that help us figure out the meaning of unknown words such as using context clues, pictures, breaking apart the word, etc.
Upcoming Events:
10/24 & 10/26: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7
10/ 31: Pumpkin Run and Halloween Party
Have a great weekend!!
Mrs. Holtmann
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
ALEKS celebration tomorrow!
Tomorrow, Oct. 20th is our ALEKS pie party celebration for those students that met their first quarter ALEKS goal! We would appreciate if each kiddo participating could bring in a few dollars to purchase the treats. Thanks so much!
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Close the Kitchen Night at Chipotle for Stings! --- from Mrs. Dunsford!
Chipotle 'Close The Kitchen Night' FORTE Fundraiser - Wed, Oct 26th from 11am - 8pm. Chipotle will generously be donating 50% of their proceeds (wow!) if you present the attached flyer or show on your phone at their 1255 S. Kirkwood location on the night of the Halloween Concert. We have the opportunity to make a lot of $$ for our program through this one time event.
I will send the flyer out through email!
I will send the flyer out through email!
Monday, October 17, 2016
Arcade Games in Library!
During the past few weeks, the kiddos have been working extremely hard on their arcade games during library. Today they got to share their games with the 1st and 2nd graders!! It was so much fun to see all of the wonderful and creative ideas they came up with! They were AWESOME leaders!
Friday, October 14, 2016
Weekly Update 10/14
Happy Friday!! Here's what we were up to this week:
Science: We worked on science stations that were all about weather. We discussed different weather instruments and their purposes. I am super impressed with all of the good discussions we had!
Math: We finished up Chapter 3 by learning about how to interpret the remainder and solve multi-step word problems. Word problems continue to be a challenge for us so we will continue working on our problem solving strategies!
Writing: During writing this week we organized our notes into various categories and then used those notes to write our flashdraft of the first informational piece of this unit! The kiddos have been working extremely hard in writing and I am very impressed!!
Reading: We began our nonfiction unit and have been discussing how nonfiction texts become more complex as you get older. Some of the aspects we talked about were how a text could have more than one main idea, how the main idea can be hidden in a text, and how subheading can be misleading.
Social Studies: We are incorporating social studies into our writing unit because we are researching and writing about the American Revolution!
Upcoming Events:
10/19: Early Release (1:40 pm)
10/24 & 10/26: Parent-Teacher Conferences
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!
Science: We worked on science stations that were all about weather. We discussed different weather instruments and their purposes. I am super impressed with all of the good discussions we had!
Math: We finished up Chapter 3 by learning about how to interpret the remainder and solve multi-step word problems. Word problems continue to be a challenge for us so we will continue working on our problem solving strategies!
Writing: During writing this week we organized our notes into various categories and then used those notes to write our flashdraft of the first informational piece of this unit! The kiddos have been working extremely hard in writing and I am very impressed!!
Reading: We began our nonfiction unit and have been discussing how nonfiction texts become more complex as you get older. Some of the aspects we talked about were how a text could have more than one main idea, how the main idea can be hidden in a text, and how subheading can be misleading.
Social Studies: We are incorporating social studies into our writing unit because we are researching and writing about the American Revolution!
Upcoming Events:
10/19: Early Release (1:40 pm)
10/24 & 10/26: Parent-Teacher Conferences
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!
Mrs. Holtmann
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Dear CONCORD String Parents and Students,
5th grade string students will have a combined lesson tomorrow FRIDAY 10/14.
Students should bring their instrument, notebook, pencil and music to HALLWAY during their strings time.
5th grade - 11:00-11:30 AM
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
Mrs. Angela S. Dunsford
Elementary Orchestra Coordinator
4th Grade Advanced Orchestra
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Field Trip!
Tomorrow is our field trip!!
Don't forget:
* Dress for the weather (we will be outside for part of the day!)
* Wear tennis shoes
* Bring a sack lunch
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Reminder--- Field Trip Thursday
Just wanted to give you a quick reminder that we are going on our field trip to Cahokia Mounds on this Thursday 10/13. You should have a received an email from me if I don't have your child's permission slip. I also sent out an email to parents who volunteered to chaperone. The kids should dress according to the weather (we will be outside for part of the trip) and wear tennis shoes. Please also have them bring a sack lunch. Thanks so much!
Friday, October 7, 2016
A note from Mrs. Creech!
If your child has not done so yet, all 4th and 5th Graders need to bring their recorders to school by Monday, October 10. If you need to purchase a new recorder, we have them for $5. (Cash or Checks payable to Lindbergh Schools.)
This Sunday, Oct. 9, is Sunday Night Lights! If your child is participating, meet me inside the fence on the LHS football field at 6:15 p.m. Pre-game festivities start at 6:30, and we will sing the "National Anthem" at 6:45, watch the Heroes play the first half from the on-the-field bleachers, sing "Fight Song" during the half-time show, and head back to the on-the-field bleachers (North End) to meet parents. 4th & 5th Graders should then join their families in the stands for the second half of the game. The event ends at 8:00 p.m.
For details, please, read the note below that was sent home last week:
Dear Concord 4th and 5th Grade Parents,
On Sunday, October 9th, you and your 4th or 5th grader have been invited to participate in a special all-district event, held at Lindbergh High School, to raise awareness of childhood cancer. Sunday Night Lights is a Community Service opportunity which recreates a high school football game experience and helps honor the dreams of kids who are battling cancer and other serious childhood illnesses. One of the hidden wounds a child with cancer or other serious childhood illness deals with is isolation-- from friends, school, and all the activities in which they can no longer participate. Sunday Night Lights is a one-of-a-kind event which lets the kids, if just for an evening, feel normal.
All interested Concord Flyers will join the other Lindbergh 4th and 5th Graders to perform in the pre-game and half-time shows during this event. The schedule for our elementary singers is as follows:
- 6:15 Meet on the LHS Football Field, inside the fence across from the concession stand.
- 6:30 Sit on the field for opening ceremony.
- 6:45 Perform National Anthem with the LHS Marching Band.
- 7:00 Game begins--sit in bleachers on the north side of the field, waiting for next show.
- 7:30 Sing “Fight Song” as part of the half-time performances.
- 7:45 Students are released to their parents by the on the field bleachers (north side of the field). They can enjoy the rest of the game with their families in the stands.
Sunday Night Lights is scheduled to be finished by 8:00 p.m. We would love to have and need your support to fill the stands.
Please, let me know if your child will be able to participate:, (314) 729-2400 x3737, or (314) 620-7849 cell. Please, list your child’s name; teacher’s name; and contact parent’s name, cell phone number, and email address. Fifth Graders who were in choir last year may wear their yellow Sunday Night Lights t-shirts. (Any Fourth Grader who has a Sunday Night Lights Shirt from an older sibling may also wear that shirt.) All other 4th or 5th graders should wear any Concord shirts. I have yellow SNL bandannas for everyone to wear to make us uniform. All participants will receive 2 hours of service credit for their participation.
Thanks so much for your help!
Valerie Creech
Weekly Update 10/7
Happy Friday, everyone!!
Science: We learned all about the ocean and its connection to the water cycle this week! Some of the vocabulary words we learned were salinity, hydrosphere, and reservoir. The kiddos have been working in stations and seem to really enjoy the opportunity to do hands on activities!!
Math: Dividends, Divisors, and Quotients... oh my!! This week we learned a variety of strategies for doing long division. Some of those include partial quotients, estimation, the distributive property, etc. We have been focusing in on getting our multiplication facts memorized because they are super helpful when we do division!!
Writing: We began our 2nd unit-- writing research reports. Our reports will be written about events from the American Revolution-- Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill, Paul Revere. We began conducting research this week and the kids are remembering a lot about note taking from last year. I am very excited to see what they come up with when we begin writing our reports next week!
Reading: We finished up our book clubs and celebrated by creating lego scenes using lego visualizer materials and also created movies. It was a great way to wrap up all of their hard work! We are looking forward to beginning our next unit early next week.
Social Studies: We finished our chapter on native american tribes by choosing from a menu of activities for the final project. Some students chose to create a picture and others wrote reports or created a venn diagram.
Please don't forget to send in your child's Field Trip Permission Slip and their Rollerskating Permission Slip ASAP! We are looking forward to these fun activities and want everyone to be able to participate!
It was a busy, busy week but I am so proud of all the hard work our class has put in! Hopefully everyone has a chance to relax and unwind this weekend!
Upcoming Events:
10/13: Cahokia Mounds Field Trip
10/14: Half Day (NO LUNCH)
Mrs. Holtmann
Science: We learned all about the ocean and its connection to the water cycle this week! Some of the vocabulary words we learned were salinity, hydrosphere, and reservoir. The kiddos have been working in stations and seem to really enjoy the opportunity to do hands on activities!!
Math: Dividends, Divisors, and Quotients... oh my!! This week we learned a variety of strategies for doing long division. Some of those include partial quotients, estimation, the distributive property, etc. We have been focusing in on getting our multiplication facts memorized because they are super helpful when we do division!!
Writing: We began our 2nd unit-- writing research reports. Our reports will be written about events from the American Revolution-- Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill, Paul Revere. We began conducting research this week and the kids are remembering a lot about note taking from last year. I am very excited to see what they come up with when we begin writing our reports next week!
Reading: We finished up our book clubs and celebrated by creating lego scenes using lego visualizer materials and also created movies. It was a great way to wrap up all of their hard work! We are looking forward to beginning our next unit early next week.
Social Studies: We finished our chapter on native american tribes by choosing from a menu of activities for the final project. Some students chose to create a picture and others wrote reports or created a venn diagram.
Please don't forget to send in your child's Field Trip Permission Slip and their Rollerskating Permission Slip ASAP! We are looking forward to these fun activities and want everyone to be able to participate!
It was a busy, busy week but I am so proud of all the hard work our class has put in! Hopefully everyone has a chance to relax and unwind this weekend!
Upcoming Events:
10/13: Cahokia Mounds Field Trip
10/14: Half Day (NO LUNCH)
Mrs. Holtmann
Thursday, October 6, 2016
New Division Strategies!
Partial Quotients
The Distributive Property
I have been talking with the kiddos about how not every strategy is going to be the most efficient for them. I am just giving them strategies to add to their tool belt and they need to choose the one that works best for them!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Cahokia Mounds Field Trip -- October 13th
Hi Parents! Our Cahokia Mounds field trip has been confirmed! We will be going to visit the Cahokia mounds next Thursday, Oct. 13. Field trip permission slips are going home with students today. The cost is $5. Please return these forms as soon as possible. Students will be expected to bring their lunch this day, we will be eating at the Mounds pavilion site.
If you are interested in chaperoning, let me know! You will just need to provide your own transportation. We will be leaving around 9:45 in the morning and then leaving Cahokia at 1:30 to return by 2:00.
Division ROCKS!
We have been working on division for the past couple of days! Here a chart that we have been using to remember the vocabulary words and the steps in the long division strategy!
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Welcome to our blog!!
In order to keep parents in the loop, I decided to create a blog (along with our Facebook page) to help keep everybody up to date with what is going on in our classroom. Our leaders in our class will post nightly homework assignments and I will post tidbits throughout the week. I will sync these post to the Facebook page if you prefer to view them there! I hope everyone is having a great evening!
Read 20 mins
Google Classroom Math Sheet
Write 10 mins
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