Happy, Happy Monday!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Here is what we are up to until Winter Break:
Science: This week we will continue the study of the flow of energy, but focus on plants (absorb sun/nutrients, make food) and decomposers.
Writing: We are continuing to draft, and then revise our memoirs. We are focusing on using figurative language to paint a picture in your audiences' mind, and using our external timeline to show how that affects the central character's feelings.
Reading: We are focusing on social issues as we bring our reading lenses to our texts and push our thinking to be more complex. The students are meeting in literature groups and continuing to bring rich discussions to their group.
Math: We will continue with Chapter 7 and focus on working backwards to solve a math problem, generating patterns, ordered pairs, and graphing ordered pairs.
Social Studies: We are continuing the study of the Civil War, and which events of the mid-1800's kept the nation together and which events pulled it apart. The students will be acting out several primary sources.
Upcoming Events:
12/20: Winter Party 2 -3 PM
12/21 - 1/3: Winter Break
Meredith Holtmann