Science- We began a new unit on the properties of matter and chemistry!
Math- This week we rounded fractions and added and subtracted fractions with like and unlike denominators.
Writing- In our literary essay unit, students worked to make a strong thesis statement about their fantasy book club book and began collecting evidence such as quotes and an analysis of author's craft. We also worked on our introductions and conclusions before we edit and publish next week!
Reading- As we continue our fantasy book club unit, we focused on learning real-life lessons from our characters, noticing how their quests can be internal as well as external, and comparing themes in fantasy and history.
Social Studies- We continued to discuss and experience the Civil War.
Upcoming Events:
1/26: Family Bingo
1/30: Concord Blues Night
2/5: 5th grade t-shirt designs DUE
2/7: Early Release
2/9: Jump Rope for Heart
Have a wonderful weekend!
Meredith Holtmann