Read 20 minutes
Bring money for book fair if you want to buy something
Math google classroom
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
This is our study guide for our Chapter 3 test which will be given NEXT Friday (12/9). There is a lot of material so I thought the kids could get a head start on studying if they have time!
Ch. 3 Study Guide
Lesson 1- Classifying Living Things pg. 90-95
- Vocabulary: classify, kingdom, phylum, species, classification system, dichotomous key
- Be able to list all of the levels of a classification system (K,P,C,O,F,G,S) and explain how the levels differ
- Explain the differences between the 4 main kingdoms (protists, fungi, plants, animals)
- Draw a dichotomous key
- Explain how dichotomous key can be used and its purpose
Lesson 2- Classify Animals pg. 96-101
- Vocabulary: vertebrate, invertebrate
- Be able to describe the similarities and differences of the 5 classes of vertebrates (fish, amphibians, birds, mammals, reptiles)
- Recognize types of invertebrates (giant squids, mollusks, worms, arthropods)
Lesson 3- Classify Plants pg. 102-105
- Vocabulary: vascular, nonvascular
- Know the two main characteristics used to classify plants (vascular/nonvascular, how they reproduce)
- Be able to compare and contrast mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants
What else can I use to study?
- Ch. 3 study guide on pg. 113
- Ch. 3 Chapter Review pg. 114-115
- Ch. 3 Benchmark Practice pg. 116
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Homerun Club!
Homerun Club is TOMORROW!! (11/30)
We are celebrating another month of awesome learning and behavior in 5th grade! Your kiddos can bring in a snack to enjoy during our celebration tomorrow morning!
Monday, November 28, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with family and friends! Each of your kiddos is thankful to have you in their lives and are appreciative for all you do for them. I am thankful for such an awesome community of learners and parents to support them!
Monday, November 21, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Weekly Update 11/18

As we are approaching the week of Thanksgiving, I wanted to express how truly thankful I am to be a teacher to the best kiddos in the world! They make me smile each and every day!
We have had a great week in 5th grade! Here's what we've been up to...
Science: During science this week we have been learning about how we classify animals. We have been discussing vertebrates and invertebrates and the characteristics that each of those groups share. I have posted a link to some flashcards for Chapter 3 on our google classroom so that the kiddos can have a jump start on practicing some of the vocabulary words from this chapter. There are a lot so I figured the sooner they could start practicing, the better! The test will not be until after Thanksgiving, though!
Math: In math we wrapped up chapter 5 (adding and subtracting decimals) and boy did these kiddos ROCK it! Their test scores were amazing and I am so proud of all of their hard work! We started chapter 6 (multiplying and dividing decimals) today!
Writing: We are getting close to finishing up our informational piece. The kids have been working on finishing up their drafts and are looking forward to editing/ revising and publishing their pieces very soon!
Reading: We just finished our nonfiction reading unit yesterday and had a fun little celebration! We have also been working on comparing ideas across multiple texts and citing evidence from the text-- we are making lots of progress! We will be beginning our social issues book clubs next week.
Social Studies: The kids are working on a project that requires them to research two explorers and compare and contrast them. They will present their projects at the end of next week!
Reminder: Our helping hands campaign is still going on! We would appreciate a donation of canned food, paper products, cleaning products, etc if you are able!! We are working towards a class goal of 150 items (we have 129!!) so that we can have a pj day!
Upcoming Events:
11/23 - 11/25: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Have a great weekend and stay warm!!
Mrs. Holtmann
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Reading celebration!
Today we celebrated finishing our nonfiction reading unit by creating hashtags that went along with our research topic. We then did a mannequin challenge to display and share our hashtags with everyone! We had lots of fun and we're proud of all that we have learned about nonfiction!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Scholastic Orders
I am so sorry for any confusion you have had in placing orders on the Scholastic website. There was a mix up when I changed accounts after I got married this summer. Our class code is NDWMZ for future orders! Thanks!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Below is our Math chapter 5 study guide! (TEST TOMORROW!)
Chapter 5 Add & Subtract Decimals
Estimate. 4.92 + 2.16
Find the value. 8 - 6.92
(74 + 63) + 35 = 74 + (63 + 35)
3.210 + .075 = .075 + 3.210
7. How can you use the associative property to solve the equation below mentally? Show your work and explain your thinking.
(18 + 14) + 6 = ___
8. Company A has a budget of $23.87 million and Company B has a budget of $14.22 million. What is the difference between the two budgets if each is rounded to the nearest tenth of a million?
9) Mrs. Holtmann bought a pair of jeans for $49.99 and a shirt for $23.59.? If she paid with a $100.00 bill, how much change would she get back?
10) The coach recorded how fast his runners ran 1 mile. Quinn ran a mile in 9.26 minutes, Jack ran a mile in 11.64 minutes, and Aidin ran a mile in 10.36 minutes. How much faster did Quinn run than Aidin?
11) Add using the decimal model. Shade the model to show your answer. Write your answer.
1.56 + 2.04
12) Subtract using the decimal model. Shade the model to show your answer. Write your answer.
2.72 - 0.9
13) Look at the following model. Circle the expressions that could match the model.
1.13 + .24 1.2 + 1.70 0.37 + 1.01
1.28 + .09 1 + 0.037 6.39 - 5.02
Monday, November 14, 2016
Winter Party Coordinator
Good morning,
We are still in need of a winter party coordinator. The planning meeting is tomorrow at 6:15 pm. These parties are something that all students look forward to and I would really appreciate you considering to plan the event! You could even go in together with another parent to split the work! Thanks for considering!
You can use this link to sign up:

Chain of Thankfulness
Happy Monday, Parents!
It is a great time of year to reflect on how lucky we are and
think about what we are thankful for. Today, your child will bring home strips
of construction paper for members of your family to fill out. We are creating a
chain of thankfulness for our classroom and we would love for you to join us!
Please write one thing you are thankful for on the strip of
paper with your name on the back. This is not a required assignment, but more
so a fun way to involve you in our classroom.
If I don’t see you before the break, I hope you have a safe
and wonderful holiday with friends and family! I personally am extremely
thankful for the amazing class I have this year. Your kids make me smile every
day. It truly is a joy teaching them. Thank you for your time and hope to see
some links come back soon!
Mrs. Holtmann
Friday, November 11, 2016
Weekly Update 11/11
What an awesome 3-day week in 5th grade!!
Science: We did our first lesson on classifying living things. We kicked off this chapter by learning how to use and create dichotomous keys!
Math: We worked on adding and subtracting decimals! The kiddos are doing really well in this chapter! Our chapter 5 test is scheduled for next Wednesday, 11/16.
Writing: During writing we talked about viewing our event from different perspectives in order to give our reader a detailed account of the event. We also discussed how we can make our information pieces flow from subheading to subheading smoothly. Everyone has been working extremely hard during this piece!
Reading: We worked in our guided reading groups on looking across to texts to find similarities and also pushed ourselves to find evidence from the text to support our thinking when answer deep level questions. We also talked about how there are different levels of questions-- some that require us to recall facts and others that require us to think outside of the text!
Upcoming Events:
11/18 Wear Flyer Family Shirt & Picture Retake Day
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Mrs. Holtmann
Science: We did our first lesson on classifying living things. We kicked off this chapter by learning how to use and create dichotomous keys!
Math: We worked on adding and subtracting decimals! The kiddos are doing really well in this chapter! Our chapter 5 test is scheduled for next Wednesday, 11/16.
Writing: During writing we talked about viewing our event from different perspectives in order to give our reader a detailed account of the event. We also discussed how we can make our information pieces flow from subheading to subheading smoothly. Everyone has been working extremely hard during this piece!
Reading: We worked in our guided reading groups on looking across to texts to find similarities and also pushed ourselves to find evidence from the text to support our thinking when answer deep level questions. We also talked about how there are different levels of questions-- some that require us to recall facts and others that require us to think outside of the text!
Upcoming Events:
11/18 Wear Flyer Family Shirt & Picture Retake Day
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Mrs. Holtmann
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Homework 11/9/16
Google classroom
Read 20
Another Note: The kiddo's science tests are coming home. Some of them were wanting to know if they could earn points back that they missed. I told them to make the corrections on their test tonight and bring their test back tomorrow so we can talk about how to earn the points back during Science tomorrow. Thanks!
Read 20
Another Note: The kiddo's science tests are coming home. Some of them were wanting to know if they could earn points back that they missed. I told them to make the corrections on their test tonight and bring their test back tomorrow so we can talk about how to earn the points back during Science tomorrow. Thanks!
A note from Mrs. Dunsford about Strings Rehearsal
This is just a gentle reminder about the all-district strings rehearsals that are coming up in December. I'm sure that the dates made it to your calendar but I just wanted to bring it up on your radar since our turn around time after Thanksgiving is so quick!
Wed. December 7 Gr. 5 All-District Dress Rehearsal 9:15-11:00 AM
Thurs. December 8 Gr. 5 All District Concert 7:30 PM
Permission slips were distributed last week!
Thanks for all of your help and cooperation this year! The kids are getting very excited for their winter performances!
Friday, November 4, 2016
Weekly Update 11/4
What a fun week in 5th grade!! Hopefully we can all get some rest and relaxation over this upcoming 4-day weekend!
Here's what we've been up to...
Science: We reviewed for our chapter 7 test on Tuesday and Wednesday and took our test on Thursday! I could tell that the kiddos studied hard for the test and know it will pay off!
Math: We started chapter 5 in math today-- decimals!! We learned how to round decimals and use estimation to add and subtract decimals. This seems like a strength for many of the kids, they are anxious to get into adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals soon!!
Writing: We finished up our research on the historical event of each student's choice and began writing our drafts. I am so excited to see so many kiddos using strategies that we have learned about information writing as they are drafting!
Reading: In reading we have continued to use this time for research and independent reading. Lots of students have gotten choice books on their topic and are using independent reading time to gain more knowledge about their event.
Upcoming Events:
10/7 & 10/8: NO SCHOOL
10/11: Veteran's Day Assembly 9AM
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Holtmann
Here's what we've been up to...
Science: We reviewed for our chapter 7 test on Tuesday and Wednesday and took our test on Thursday! I could tell that the kiddos studied hard for the test and know it will pay off!
Math: We started chapter 5 in math today-- decimals!! We learned how to round decimals and use estimation to add and subtract decimals. This seems like a strength for many of the kids, they are anxious to get into adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals soon!!
Writing: We finished up our research on the historical event of each student's choice and began writing our drafts. I am so excited to see so many kiddos using strategies that we have learned about information writing as they are drafting!
Reading: In reading we have continued to use this time for research and independent reading. Lots of students have gotten choice books on their topic and are using independent reading time to gain more knowledge about their event.
Upcoming Events:
10/7 & 10/8: NO SCHOOL
10/11: Veteran's Day Assembly 9AM
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Holtmann
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Jingles for Jammies Tomorrow!
Jingles for Jammies is tomorrow! The kiddos are encouraged to wear their jammies and bring in some spare change for our Helping Hands project! :)
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Helping Hands -- Food Week!
Our Helping Hands Campaign is under way!! Please send in any food items you would like to donate this week. Any amount is appreciated! Thanks so much!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Science Study Guide-- Chapter 7! (TEST THURSDAY 10/3)
Ch. 7- Weather Study Guide
Lesson 1- Water Cycle pg. 258-263
- Vocabulary: water cycle, evaporation, condensation, precipitation
- Be able to label all parts of the water cycle and explain what they do
Lesson 2- Oceans pg. 264-267
- Vocabulary: hydrosphere, reservoir, salinity, ocean currents
- Review ocean currents map in science notebook
- Know how much of the Earth’s surface is water
Lesson 3- Weather pg. 268-275
- Vocabulary: weather, barometric pressure, humidity, circulation
- Know weather instruments: anemometer, barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, weather vane
- Understand what happens to air pressure as you go up through the atmosphere
- Be able to label the layers of the atmosphere that were studied (not in textbook): troposphere (the layer in which earth’s weather occurs), stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.
Lesson 4- Clouds and Precipitation pg. 277-281
- Vocabulary: precipitation, sleet, hail, rain, snow, cirrus clouds, cumulonimbus clouds, altocumulus clouds, stratus clouds, fog
- Understand types of precipitation
- Describe the differences between clouds, describe what the cloud looks like, identify at what altitude each cloud forms
Lesson 5- Climate pg. 282-287
- Vocabulary: climate, latitude, elevation
- Identify the 3 main climate zones- polar, temperate, and tropical
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