As we are approaching the week of Thanksgiving, I wanted to express how truly thankful I am to be a teacher to the best kiddos in the world! They make me smile each and every day!
We have had a great week in 5th grade! Here's what we've been up to...
Science: During science this week we have been learning about how we classify animals. We have been discussing vertebrates and invertebrates and the characteristics that each of those groups share. I have posted a link to some flashcards for Chapter 3 on our google classroom so that the kiddos can have a jump start on practicing some of the vocabulary words from this chapter. There are a lot so I figured the sooner they could start practicing, the better! The test will not be until after Thanksgiving, though!
Math: In math we wrapped up chapter 5 (adding and subtracting decimals) and boy did these kiddos ROCK it! Their test scores were amazing and I am so proud of all of their hard work! We started chapter 6 (multiplying and dividing decimals) today!
Writing: We are getting close to finishing up our informational piece. The kids have been working on finishing up their drafts and are looking forward to editing/ revising and publishing their pieces very soon!
Reading: We just finished our nonfiction reading unit yesterday and had a fun little celebration! We have also been working on comparing ideas across multiple texts and citing evidence from the text-- we are making lots of progress! We will be beginning our social issues book clubs next week.
Social Studies: The kids are working on a project that requires them to research two explorers and compare and contrast them. They will present their projects at the end of next week!
Reminder: Our helping hands campaign is still going on! We would appreciate a donation of canned food, paper products, cleaning products, etc if you are able!! We are working towards a class goal of 150 items (we have 129!!) so that we can have a pj day!
Upcoming Events:
11/23 - 11/25: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Have a great weekend and stay warm!!
Mrs. Holtmann
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