Happy Friday!! I hope you can enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!
Science: We began our chapter on forces and simple machines! We are looking forward to doing some hands on activities with chapter!
Math: During math this week we learned how to multiply fractions-- fractions by whole numbers, fractions by fractions, mixed numbers by mixed numbers. We also began learning about dividing fractions! We will be having a chapter 10 test, next Friday, 2/24!
Writing: We celebrated our literary essay unit and began our argument essay today! We are debating whether chocolate milk should or should not be served in our cafeteria. The kids are super excited and had some great ideas of how we could collect evidence. We have been discussing how we have to learn about both sides of an argument to write the best essay.
Reading: We celebrated finishing our fantasy unit in reading and are now beginning our next unit-- Argument and Advocacy. We are looking forward to working in research groups to learn about a topic that we feel passionate about!
**Reminder: Read to Succeed logs are due next Friday (2/24)!!**
Upcoming Events:
2/20: No School (President's Day)
2/24: Flyer Families (Wear T-shirt)
Your child will be bringing home a 6th grade course recommendation form today. Please complete the bottom portion, sign, and return the WHITE copy (keep the yellow for your own records). These need to be returned by Friday, Feb. 24. Thank you!
Have a good weekend!
Mrs. Holtmann
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