***There is no school Friday or Monday- enjoy your 4-day weekend!
Science: We used our science time to continue Chrome Camp this week. Today we had a 5th grade unconference where kiddos got to share what they have learned about their Chrome Books during the last two weeks. They did an excellent job!
Reading- We are researching debatable issues as we study argument and advocacy! We used articles, videos, and websites to do research and come up with claims and evidence. We are going to be having some debates on these topics in the coming week!
Reading- We are researching debatable issues as we study argument and advocacy! We used articles, videos, and websites to do research and come up with claims and evidence. We are going to be having some debates on these topics in the coming week!
Writing- We are wrapping up our mini-unit on writing a fantasy narrative. Students are busy drafting, revising, and editing with a focus on fantasy elements such as setting, characters with internal/external quests or problems, and resolutions. Stories are due Wednesday, 2/21.
Math- We are busy working on multiplying and dividing fractions! Students are not just learning the steps, they are learning how to show their work visually with models in order to truly understand the algorithm. I couldn't be more proud of the math discussions we have each day!
Upcoming Events:
2/16: No School
2/19: No School
2/27: Mother/Son Dance
2/28: Spring Pictures
Meredith Holtmann
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